Morning Latchkey Program
PS 23 will now only accept online payments for our MORNING LATCHKEY program.
All children in Grades Pre-K - 5 are welcome!
Please go to the PS 23 website at and find the PAYMENTS tab. Under there, find 2024- 2025 Morning/ Before School Latchkey Registration and follow the directions from there.
Families who do not usually attend Morning Latchkey and need to come in an emergency situation, may still do so and will pay in cash.
Morning Latchkey Information
Time: 7:00 AM-7:45 AM
Days: Monday- Friday- when school is in session
Cost: $75.00 online payment per month (monthly average of 15 attendance days)
Payment Due: September 5, 2024
Description: The program begins each morning at 7:00 AM and children have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities. Activities include: building with legos, art projects, drawing, coloring, magnet blocks, free play, supervised sports like kickball and soccer or children can read, chat with friends, play with friends in the gym or just relax before their day begins. What they do in the morning is their choice.
If you need to contact the Latchkey program during Latchkey hours, please call the school at (718) 351-1155 and dial extension 1000 when prompted.